Contributions to policy-oriented publications
QUEBEC AND CANADA | Ecosystem Services and Urban Trees
INTERNATIONAL | Agriculture, Ecosystem Services and Health
INTERNATIONAL | Global Risks, Foresight and Research Agendas
Peer-reviewed publications
Wood SLR, Luers A, Garard J, Gambhir A, Chaudhari K, Ivanova M, Cronin C. Collective foresight and intelligence for sustainability. 2021. Global Sustainability,4. [link]
Wood SLR, Dupras J. 2021 Increasing functional diversity of the urban canopy for climate resilience: Potential tradeoffs with ecosystem services?. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 126972. [link]
Wyborn C, Montana J, Kalas N, Clement S, Davila Cisneros F, Knowles N, Louder E, Balan M, Chambers J, Christel L, Forsyth T. ... SLR Wood. 2020. An agenda for research and action towards diverse and just futures for life on Earth. Conservation Biology. [link]
Gergel SE, Powell B, Baudron F, Wood SLR, Rhemtulla JM, Kennedy G, Rasmussen LV, Ickowitz A, Fagan ME, Smithwick EA, Ranieri J. 2020. Conceptual links between landscape diversity and diet diversity: a roadmap for transdisciplinary research. BioScience, 70(7):563-75. [link]
Garschagen, M., Wood, SLR, Garard, J., Ivanova, M. and Luers, A., 2020. Too big to ignore: Global risk perception gaps between scientists and business leaders. Earth's Future, 8(3). [link]
Rasmussen, L.V., Wood, SLR and Rhemtulla, J.M., 2020. Deconstructing Diets: The Role of Wealth, Farming System, and Landscape Context in Shaping Rural Diets in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, p.45. [link]
Wood SLR, Luers A, Garard J, Gambhir A, Chaudhari K, Ivanova M, Cronin C. Collective foresight and intelligence for sustainability. 2021. Global Sustainability,4. [link]
Wood SLR, Dupras J. 2021 Increasing functional diversity of the urban canopy for climate resilience: Potential tradeoffs with ecosystem services?. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 126972. [link]
Wyborn C, Montana J, Kalas N, Clement S, Davila Cisneros F, Knowles N, Louder E, Balan M, Chambers J, Christel L, Forsyth T. ... SLR Wood. 2020. An agenda for research and action towards diverse and just futures for life on Earth. Conservation Biology. [link]
Gergel SE, Powell B, Baudron F, Wood SLR, Rhemtulla JM, Kennedy G, Rasmussen LV, Ickowitz A, Fagan ME, Smithwick EA, Ranieri J. 2020. Conceptual links between landscape diversity and diet diversity: a roadmap for transdisciplinary research. BioScience, 70(7):563-75. [link]
Garschagen, M., Wood, SLR, Garard, J., Ivanova, M. and Luers, A., 2020. Too big to ignore: Global risk perception gaps between scientists and business leaders. Earth's Future, 8(3). [link]
Rasmussen, L.V., Wood, SLR and Rhemtulla, J.M., 2020. Deconstructing Diets: The Role of Wealth, Farming System, and Landscape Context in Shaping Rural Diets in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, p.45. [link]
Rasmussen, L.V., Fagan, M.E., Ickowitz, A., Wood, SLR, Kennedy, G., Powell, B., Baudron, F., Gergel, S., Jung, S., Smithwick, E.A. and Sunderland, T., 2019. Forest pattern, not just amount, influences dietary quality in five African countries. Global Food Security, p.100331.
Wood, SLR, Alam, M. and Dupras, J., 2019. Multiple pathways to more sustainable diets: Shifts in diet composition, caloric intake and food waste. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3, p.89. [link]
Tabaichount, B, Wood, SLR, Kermagoret, C. Kolinjivadi, V, Bissonnette, JF, Zaga Mendez, A and J.Dupras. 2019. Water quality trading schemes as a form of state intervention: Two case studies of state-market hybridization from Canada and New Zealand. Ecosystem Services, 36: 100890 [link]
Johnson, JA, Jones, SK, Wood, SLR, Chaplin-Kramer, R, Hawthorne, P, Mulligan, M, Pennington, D and FA DeClerck. 2019. Mapping Ecosystem Services to Human Well-being: a toolkit to support integrated landscape management for the SDGs. Ecological Applications. Accepted.
Wood, SLR, Jones, SK, Johnson, JA, Brauman, KA, Chaplin-Kramer,R, Fremier, A, Girvetz, E, Gordon, LJ, Kappel, CV, Mandle, L, Mulligan, M, O’Farrell, P, Smith,WK, Willemen, WL, Zhang, W and FA DeClerck. 2018. Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals. Ecosystem Services, 29(A): 70-82. [Link]
Wood, SLR, Alam, M. and Dupras, J., 2019. Multiple pathways to more sustainable diets: Shifts in diet composition, caloric intake and food waste. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3, p.89. [link]
Tabaichount, B, Wood, SLR, Kermagoret, C. Kolinjivadi, V, Bissonnette, JF, Zaga Mendez, A and J.Dupras. 2019. Water quality trading schemes as a form of state intervention: Two case studies of state-market hybridization from Canada and New Zealand. Ecosystem Services, 36: 100890 [link]
Johnson, JA, Jones, SK, Wood, SLR, Chaplin-Kramer, R, Hawthorne, P, Mulligan, M, Pennington, D and FA DeClerck. 2019. Mapping Ecosystem Services to Human Well-being: a toolkit to support integrated landscape management for the SDGs. Ecological Applications. Accepted.
Wood, SLR, Jones, SK, Johnson, JA, Brauman, KA, Chaplin-Kramer,R, Fremier, A, Girvetz, E, Gordon, LJ, Kappel, CV, Mandle, L, Mulligan, M, O’Farrell, P, Smith,WK, Willemen, WL, Zhang, W and FA DeClerck. 2018. Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals. Ecosystem Services, 29(A): 70-82. [Link]
Reid, AJ,Brooks, JL, Dolgova, L, Laurich, B, Sullivan, BG, Szekeres, P, Wood, SLR, Bennett, JR and SJ Cooke. 2017. Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals still neglecting their environmental roots in the Anthropocene. Environmental Science and Policy, [link]
DeClerck, FA …Wood, SLR and W Zhang. 2017. Agricultural ecosystems and their services: the vanguard of sustainability? Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability, [link]
Wood, SLR, Rhemtulla, JM and OT Coomes. 2016.Cropping history trumps fallow duration in long‐term soil and vegetation dynamics of shifting cultivation systems. Ecological Applications.[link]
Kanter, D*, Musumba, M*, Wood, SLR*, Palm, C, Antle, J, Balvanera, P, Dale, VH, Havlik, P, Kline, KL, Scholes, RJ, Tittonell, P, Thornton, P and S Andelman. 2016. Evaluating agricultural trade-offs in the age of sustainable development. Agricultural Systems, [link]
*co-first authors
Wood, SLR, Rhemtulla, JM and OT Coomes. 2016. Intensification of tropical fallow-based agriculture: Trading-off ecosystem services for economic gain in shifting cultivation landscapes? Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 215: 47–56 [Link]
Wood, SLR and FA DeClerck. 2015. Ecosystem Services and human well-being in the Sustainable Development Goals. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13: 123 [link]
Reid, AJ,Brooks, JL, Dolgova, L, Laurich, B, Sullivan, BG, Szekeres, P, Wood, SLR, Bennett, JR and SJ Cooke. 2017. Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals still neglecting their environmental roots in the Anthropocene. Environmental Science and Policy, [link]
DeClerck, FA …Wood, SLR and W Zhang. 2017. Agricultural ecosystems and their services: the vanguard of sustainability? Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability, [link]
Wood, SLR, Rhemtulla, JM and OT Coomes. 2016.Cropping history trumps fallow duration in long‐term soil and vegetation dynamics of shifting cultivation systems. Ecological Applications.[link]
Kanter, D*, Musumba, M*, Wood, SLR*, Palm, C, Antle, J, Balvanera, P, Dale, VH, Havlik, P, Kline, KL, Scholes, RJ, Tittonell, P, Thornton, P and S Andelman. 2016. Evaluating agricultural trade-offs in the age of sustainable development. Agricultural Systems, [link]
*co-first authors
Wood, SLR, Rhemtulla, JM and OT Coomes. 2016. Intensification of tropical fallow-based agriculture: Trading-off ecosystem services for economic gain in shifting cultivation landscapes? Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 215: 47–56 [Link]
Wood, SLR and FA DeClerck. 2015. Ecosystem Services and human well-being in the Sustainable Development Goals. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13: 123 [link]
Marczak, LB, Sakamaki, T, Turvey, S, Deguise, I, Wood, SLR and JS Richardson. 2010. Are forested stream buffers an effective conservation strategy for terrestrial fauna? An assessment using meta-analysis. Ecological Applications, 20(1): 126–134 [link]
Wood, SLR and JS Richardson. 2010. Evidence for ecosystem engineering in tadpole of the Western toad. Aquatic Sciences, 72: 499- 508 [link]
Wood, SLR and JS Richardson. 2009. Impact of sediment and nutrient inputs on growth and survival of tadpoles of the Western toad. Freshwater Biology, 54: 1120–1134 [link]
De Boeck, G, Hattink, J, Franklin, NM, Bucking, CP, Wood, SLR, Walsh, PJ and CM Wood. 2007. Copper toxicity in the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): Urea loss contributes to the osmoregulatory disturbance. Aquatic Toxicology 84(2), 133-141 [link]
Wood, CM, Sloman, KA, Kajimura, M, Johannsson, OE, Walsh, PJ, Scott, G, Wood, SLR, Almeida -Val, VMF, and AF Val, .2006. Behavioural, respiratory, ionoregulatory and metabolic adaptations to low environmental O2 and the influence of body size in the hypoxia –tolerant Amazonizn oscar (Astronotus ocellatus). pp. 179-200 In: Environmental Protection Agency Research Report Series. US EPA, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-07-010 (Eds. Brauner, CJ, Surajdric, K, Nilsson, G, and Randall, DJ).
Sloman, K.A., Wood, C.M., Scott, G.R., Wood, SLR, Kajimura, M., Almeida-Val, V.M.F. and Val, A.L. 2005. The effect of size on the physiological and behavioural responses of Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus, to hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 1197-1205 [link]
Grosell, M., Laliberte, C.N., Wood, SLR, Jensen, F.B. and C.M. Wood. 2001. Intestinal HCO3- secretion in marine teleost fish: evidence for an apical rather than basolateral Cl-/ HCO3- exchanger. Journal of Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 24: 81-95 [link]
Marczak, LB, Sakamaki, T, Turvey, S, Deguise, I, Wood, SLR and JS Richardson. 2010. Are forested stream buffers an effective conservation strategy for terrestrial fauna? An assessment using meta-analysis. Ecological Applications, 20(1): 126–134 [link]
Wood, SLR and JS Richardson. 2010. Evidence for ecosystem engineering in tadpole of the Western toad. Aquatic Sciences, 72: 499- 508 [link]
Wood, SLR and JS Richardson. 2009. Impact of sediment and nutrient inputs on growth and survival of tadpoles of the Western toad. Freshwater Biology, 54: 1120–1134 [link]
De Boeck, G, Hattink, J, Franklin, NM, Bucking, CP, Wood, SLR, Walsh, PJ and CM Wood. 2007. Copper toxicity in the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): Urea loss contributes to the osmoregulatory disturbance. Aquatic Toxicology 84(2), 133-141 [link]
Wood, CM, Sloman, KA, Kajimura, M, Johannsson, OE, Walsh, PJ, Scott, G, Wood, SLR, Almeida -Val, VMF, and AF Val, .2006. Behavioural, respiratory, ionoregulatory and metabolic adaptations to low environmental O2 and the influence of body size in the hypoxia –tolerant Amazonizn oscar (Astronotus ocellatus). pp. 179-200 In: Environmental Protection Agency Research Report Series. US EPA, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-07-010 (Eds. Brauner, CJ, Surajdric, K, Nilsson, G, and Randall, DJ).
Sloman, K.A., Wood, C.M., Scott, G.R., Wood, SLR, Kajimura, M., Almeida-Val, V.M.F. and Val, A.L. 2005. The effect of size on the physiological and behavioural responses of Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus, to hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 1197-1205 [link]
Grosell, M., Laliberte, C.N., Wood, SLR, Jensen, F.B. and C.M. Wood. 2001. Intestinal HCO3- secretion in marine teleost fish: evidence for an apical rather than basolateral Cl-/ HCO3- exchanger. Journal of Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 24: 81-95 [link]